2025 News Updates

There has been a flurry of information in the news lately. Here is a clip of our most recent coverage.

3/3/2025 Teresa Sardina (KUSI) covers Save Starlight journey and bid approval

December Nights 2024 - Update

We had an amazing turnout for our December nights event and we want to thank all of you that came by to wish us well, and get the update on our progress in the RFP process.

As we shared, we are looking forward to hearing from the City of San Diego on an update to the process.

Fundraising Continues

Want to be a part of the future of Starlight? Pre-register for a ticket to an upcoming show. It costs nothing now - pay only if we secure the lease!

Pre-register now!


Check out Wayne Nelson from Little River Band share his passion for saving San Diego's most beloved outdoor theater! ⭐️


Save Starlight In The News!

Check out ABC 10 San Diego’s in-depth segment on our efforts to save Starlight and our work on the RFP

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Watch FOX 5 San Diego’s segment on Save Starlight for the latest updates on the efforts and pre-register your ticket to an upcoming show now! It costs you nothing now - you’ll only be charged if we are successful in securing the lease and moving forward with reconstruction.


About Us

“This venue is essential to San Diego and Balboa Park’s history. No matter what kind of show or performance you can recall, everyone has the memory of the joy and magic they experienced here.”


The Save Starlight organization’s goal is to preserve The Starlight Bowls history and memories and to also create a new and adaptable platform for future events and generations. 

The Starlight Bowl, a 4,000 seat outdoor amphitheater, was originally commissioned by the Ford Motor Company for the 1935 California-Pacific Exposition. The venue has grown and evolved over the years turning into one of San Diego’s favorite, historic and precious gems. Families of multi-generations have developed a passion and dedication to Starlight's events, sadden to see it abandoned in despair. Most people remember The Starlight Bowl for its famous musical theater shows it produced during the summers in San Diego. However, the previous tenants have left and the venue has been abandoned for almost 10 years. 

Our Mission

The Save Starlight mission is to repurpose San Diego’s abandoned historic Starlight Bowl, restoring and modernizing the facility under community collaboration into an inclusive and innovative interaction of arts, culture, and education for all.

watch video for a brief history and overview


Not only did Starlight host many stage productions, it also hosted music legends.



The Starlight Bowl has been authorized to receive $500,000 for ADA Facility Improvements.
We are excited to share that the Housing and Urban Development/EDI Appropriations Community Project has appropriated $500,000 specifically for the Starlight Bowl to make necessary ADA facility improvements. We have increased our efforts to advocate for Starlight, and our hard work is paying off. Save Starlight wants to expressly thank Congresswoman Sara Jacobs, Mayor Todd Gloria, and Carleton Overstreet, Jr. for their efforts to make this happen.

Thank you to our supporters